Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Another simple day in my simple life.... NOT!

I've finally dropped COM 300. Why I dropped it? I can't handle the workload and other reasons...

Anyway, I just returned from SGH and it seems that I have to undergo surgery for my feet! My mum was utterly shocked and so was I! Having the need to reconstruct both my feet isn't the nicest thing to hear in the afternoon. AHHH!!!! The doctor seem nonchalant about the whole incident till the point of laughter..

Me: So, Should I wear Birkenstocks?
Doctor (in his nonchalent Indian Accent) : Birkenstocks? What's Birkenstocks? Is that a Brand?


Guess it will be done in 2 yrs from now? Haha, long way... Thank goodness!


My bloggie was featured in class twice in Class A and B! Mr Lim showed the "COM 125 Class B - Caught in the Act" post and called it "Sus-veillance". I have no idea why that name.... He mentioned something about "Bottom-up feedback" rather than "Top-Down approach" to Feedback/Surveillance.

Hehehe! :P

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