Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Day 2 of Semester 6

Surprisingly, it was time for my fellow classmates and I to head back to school rather reluctantly. But I guess returning is good too, else the brain rusts!

My name's Daphne and this is my first time blogging. Not much for me to say, so I'll just talk about my interests.

Hi Everyone!!! :)

I love photography. Though I have never entered any competitions, I enjoy taking pictures on a whim. This hobby started when I was 17 on a school trip. I volunteered to take photos for the trip and my interest soon started from that occasion.

.: Little butterfly landed on my bag near the waterfalls :.

I enjoy photographing sunsets,

Sunset on 10th June 2004

Sunset on 30th May 2004

.: Spring flowers amidst the weeds :.

and most of all people. The best thing I ever did was to help a fellow classmate take photos for his R.O.M. That was one the proudest moment as a budding photographer. Seeing his ROM pics on Friendster makes me smile and leaves me a sense of accomplishment! :)

I also took photos for our UB Stompaids! Something that we all contributed as a university!

Kiddos learning about Aids - They must be fascinated by the displays!

What's a band without the musicians?

Killer Janes at Work!

.: Disclaimer: This belongs to Hai :.

I also love to swim and I used to rock climb in that same year, but sadly, due to a rather hectic schedule, my fellow climbers have went our separate ways.

So no more swimming or rock climbing but I'm doing something most stressed out people do - YOGA! Been doing it for quite sometime. I've enjoyed it. I hope to do it till I'm 80! Haha! I didn't choose this sport to de-stress but rather, to improve concentration and to help tone and keep muscles supple.

My other past time is selling stuff on Yahoo! Auctions:
Great way to sell stuff... And best of all... it's free! Yay!

That's about it. I think I'll add more once I dig through all my old photos!



Cheilla said...

Nice photos you took!! I'm willing to be your model sometimes.. Haha nahhh i'm jokin...!!

Velvet Eden said...

Hey Gal! I will be happy to have you as my model! Don't be shy! haha! Anwyay, do update your blog with more stories and I will add in more photos, sch happenings etc. in my blog... cya ard!

. : : hAiLee : : . said...

You are so energetic!!! Have so many hobbies at the same time... i guess you're best at multi-tasking :) I like the photos you've taken! Nice!

Ireth Seregon said...

Hey Daphne, it's monica. The velvet eden is such a cool title, caught my attention right away! I didn't know you loved photography. High quality pics. Hope to see updates.

Velvet Eden said...

Hey Hailee!

Haha! Yes, I love multi-tasking,but more importantly, I love to try new things! I've had many different hobbies I didn't mention (like stain glass painting) but photography is something that lasted the longest... will put more pics for you all to see.

Till then, Take Care! :P

Velvet Eden said...

Hey Monica!

Thanks for the compliment! Velvet Eden is a place for me to relax and publish more of my musings and photos.

I'll try to update the blog daily with more photos.. You won't be disappointed!

Till then, have a nice weekend! :)

Kevin said...

Very nicely done Daphne! With your photo reports, you're on your way to becoming a true citizen journalist! :)

Velvet Eden said...

hI mR lIM!

Thank you for your compliment! I'll add more photos and I will update the blog on a daily basis - weather, great food, places that have good services, etc! :)